Lesson 3 – Survey of Worship in the Bible – Prophets Part I
I. What worship themes are evident in Joshua and Judges?
A. Practical issues in Joshua and Judges
1. Obey the Law as you receive the land (Josh. 1:1-9)
2. Cycles of forgetfulness leading to disobedience and idolatry (Judg. 3:7)
B. Themes:
1. Covenant
2. God’s People
3. Remember and Obey
II. What worship themes are evident in Samuel?
A. Practical issues in Samuel
1. Hannah’s Prayer (1 Sam. 2:1-10)
2. Eli’s sinful sons (1 Sam. 2:12-19)
3. The LORD’s prophet (1 Sam. 3:19-21)
4. Uzzah’s error (2 Sam. 6:1-11)
5. Michal’s error (2 Sam. 6:12-23)
6. David’s house and God’s house (2 Sam. 7)
B. Themes:
1. Don’t treat the holy carelessly or casually
2. Be a worshiper, not a watcher
III. What worship themes are evident in Kings?
A. Practical issues in Kings
1. Bringing in the ark according to the Law (1 Kgs. 8:1-11)
2. Solomon’s prayer of dedication (1 Kgs. 8:22-40)
3. Solomon’s benediction (1 Kgs. 8:54-61)
B. Themes
1. Prayer
2. Spirit in worship
IV. What worship themes are evident in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel?
A. Practical issue in Isaiah
1. Recognizing God’s holiness (Is. 6:1-8)
2. The prophecy of Immanuel (Is. 9:2-7)
3. Visions of Ezekiel
a. Exile, sanctuary, and new heart and spirit (Is. 11:16-21)
b. Cleansing and renewal for God’s holy name and an eternal covenant (Is. 36:22-28; 37:24-28)
B. Themes:
1. God’s holiness and presence
2. God’s house
3. Covenant